A poem written when I was twelve and first came on holiday to the alps. I became spell bound by the mountains. The style of this poem was loosely inspired by a poem I had enjoyed called 'Ode to the Tomato' by Pablo Neruda. I found it in an old writing journal just the other day and was surprised at how I enjoyed re reading it after all this time. I hope you enjoy it too.
we hide in your shadows
oh great giant of the land
rising into the infinity of clouds
then bursting into broad daylight
and let it sparkle
let is shine
a thousand diamonds
fairy dust
that dissolves
as hands go to touch
as dusk descends
and the sun leaves your glistening flanks
colour spreads over you
like an animal changes to fit
the surroundings
you do not blend in
your vast, desolate
shockingly dangerous
only for the looking
luring and drawing people
up your sheer faces
like a pink beacon
lighting the sea of clouds below
a warning to lost sailors of that sea
'night is coming'
it fades as fast as it appeared
a momentary flame
from burnt ashes
darkness draws in fast
as the silvering stars
map out your dark silhouette
your still alive
only hidden
i will see you again
another day
where you rise and set with the sun
as the light of the alps